Defining a vision as a key element for stakeholder engagement and communication.
Internal engagement and co-creation/Purpose
Estra has grown significantly in recent years and the 2020-2025 business plan outlined a new direction for the group. This new direction underlined the need for a refreshed vision.
Estra requested support from Lundquist in defining a new vision while engaging stakeholders in the new the strategic direction of the company.
Our Work
Based on our research findings, interviews with top management and the benchmarks carried out in a preliminary phase, we extracted the key concepts that we would then use for the core activity of our project: the co-design workshops.
The first workshop involved top management and head of departments. The second included more operational figures. The aim of the workshops was to collectively define a new vision that was shared by all. We used the “golden circle” methodology, borrowed from Simon Sinek to help us select and classify keywords into several areas: mission, vision, purpose.
The workshop was highly engaging for the internal stakeholders and facilitated subsequent discussions that led to the definition of a shared language, statements and claims linked to the new Group vision.
The service design process which we adapted to the project helped us in defining the key concepts that guided the project.