Internal engagement and co-creation/Communications strategy/Graphic Design
The context
Estra is an italian multi-utility group operating in the natural gas and electricity sector. It’s industrial plan includes growth, technological evolution and network efficiency. It draws from their corporate values which are based on care and empathy for people, accessibility and proximity (in terms of digital infrastructure), as well as sustainability.
The challenge
Restyling their intranet was part of the implementation process of the industrial plan. Estra needed to build a new platform in which people could easily communicate among themselves and organize work tasks, get to know colleagues and the company environment, share information and skills, and stimulate a sense of belonging. The new intranet had to be not only a useful and necessary work tool but also a means for sharing identity, ambitions and company values.
The solution
Through two co-designing sessions, we identified the goals and mission of the new intranet, thanks also to the involvement of the company’s top management, then, in a workshop that involved employees from various offices and functions/roles, we investigated their needs and figured out what features were most important for their work and personal lives. All these ideas have converged in an ambitious prototyping process and the development of new features.
The results
The workshop helped develop the new intranet project as a «user-centred» digital workplace that is responsive and captivating, technologically advanced, and enables innovative communication tools that support the engagement of users. Communication on the new platform thrives thanks to the contributions of many and the presence of a remote editorial staff that facilitates communication at the group and office level, increasing the sense of belonging.