One step ahead podcast

“One Step Ahead Radio & Podcast” by Lundquist & Beslik is a platform for discussing the latest sustainability and ESG topics. Weekly live shows air every Friday at 08:45am CET, with a podcast sharing real sustainability stories and business insights. The series targets professionals in communication, sustainability, and finance.

Sasja Beslik, a recognized expert in sustainable finance, co-hosts the show, leveraging his experience with major financial institutions. Lundquist, an independent consultancy based in Milan, specializes in strategic communication and sustainability, helping companies navigate the evolving business landscape.


Episode 19 – One step ahead podcast

COP29 outcomes, green jobs, plastic pollution, India/China carbon deal

Episode 18 – One step ahead radio

COP29 outcomes, green jobs, plastic pollution, India/China carbon deal

Episode 17 – One step ahead radio

The route to sustainability after ESG and G20 failures

Episode 16 – One step ahead radio

COP29 insights, David Frydlinger (Cirio law firm) talks Shell verdict and his book “Rules of the Game”

Episode 15 – One step ahead radio

Trump back at the White House, US droughts, Paris agreement concerns

Episode 14 – One step ahead radio

Cop29 and biodiversity summit