A new sustainability strategy to inspire European football.

Sustainability strategy and communications / Reporting and publications / Graphic design


UEFA planned to take a bold new direction in its approach to sustainability and social responsibility, announcing a strategy spanning human rights and the environment. The umbrella organisation for European football wanted to chart a new course and set out a long-term perspective towards 2030.

Moreover, UEFA did not want to limit its ambitions to its own operations and events; the perspective was to expand and embrace the entire European football ecosystem, made up of UEFA’s 55 member associations plus leagues and clubs at all levels.

Our Work

We worked closely with the client to develop and communicate the strategy, producing a 64-page document to launch the new approach.

The priority was to engage and inspire UEFA’s key football stakeholders – national associations and clubs – around a single, shared vision summed up in the strategy title (Strength Through Unity) and mission statement.

Stakeholders needed to easily understand the strategic framework in order for them to adopt and adapt it to their own situation. Writing and editing the document involved finding an appropriate language to inspire all those working in European football and setting common terminology Our graphic concept marked a bold interpretation of UEFA’s branding to give the sustainability strategy its own easy-to-recognise visual identity We created distinctive and “minimalist” icons for each of UEFA’s 11 sustainability policies and 5 areas of action.


The strategy document was approved by the UEFA Executive Committee in December 2021 and launched through a media campaign.

The strategy revolved around 11 sustainability policies, represented by colour-coded football jerseys and icons, and supported by specific targets and KPIs.