The new frontiers of communication
As the landscape of communications continually evolves to meet the dynamic demands of stakeholders, the market, regulatory bodies, and technology, companies are constantly faced with new challenges. In our previous issue, we delved into the crucial role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I).
In this edition, we explore three key themes that have defined 2023 and are set to remain central in 2024: the growing significance of purpose-driven communication strategies, the transformative influence of artificial intelligence across various business areas, and the emergence of a new era in sustainability communication, driven by the CSRD reform, the growing emphasis on risk and impact measurement, and the intensified battle against greenwashing. Moreover, as our research highlights, there is a need for companies to take a proactive stance and advocate authentically to establish credibility in sustainability efforts.
The “purpose” of a purpose
Increasingly, companies are seeking to define and communicate the meaning of their business beyond just their products, aligning their operations and corporate identity with global challenges: essentially, they are seeking a purpose. However: how does one effectively establish a meaningful connection between sustainability, strategy, values, and the company’s role?
Defining one’s role goes beyond superficial statements; it is the result of a comprehensive process that must be integrated into the strategic vision and day-to-day operations. This journey begins with a deep understanding of one’s identity and raison d’être. Once established and embedded into the business narrative, the purpose serves as a guiding compass for corporate communication, elevating its credibility and distinctiveness. But who can execute this task best? And what strategies are essential for navigating the journey towards a purpose that empowers the company to communicate its business effectively?
In this edition of our magazine, we will address these very questions, offering valuable insights into topics including artificial intelligence, innovation, sustainable fashion, and the increasing significance of impact valuation and stakeholder engagement in companies’ approach to sustainability.
Our research will be further enriched by contributions from international experts
and industry professionals. As always, our goal is to provide you with a strategic perspective to navigate the evolving frontiers
of corporate communications.
Enjoy the read…

Frankestein is back, and his name is AI (ENG)
by Sasja Beslik
Author, ESG investor and Senior Advisor, Lundquist
Navigating the uncharted territory of artificial intelligence: a deep dive into ethics, governance, and the unpredictable consequences.

I passi giusti verso la doppia materialità
by Marco Scipolo
Sustainability Consultant, Lundquist
Il coinvolgimento degli stakeholder come attività chiave per bilanciare il peso degli impatti e valutare adeguatamente il nuovo strumento.

Verso una comunicazione purpose-driven (ITA)
by Sara Rusconi
Content Strategist and Lundquist Partner
Se il purpose non rappresenta un punto fermo e trasversale nella comunicazione degli impegni assunti, l’impresa non potrà rispondere alle aspettative degli stakeholder e conquistare la loro fiducia.

What if the csrd doesn’t give answers to all the right questions? (ENG)
by James Osborne
Head of Sustainability and Lundquist Partner
After all the noise about ESG and, we’re way behind on making sustainability progress in the real world. To avoid the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) bringing about a fresh wave of disenchantment, corporate leaders bear a huge responsibility in defining and articulating their sustainability vision.

Il potere di cambiare i desideri (ITA)
by Laila Bonazzi
Journalist and Sustainability Communications Strategist, Lundquist
Rendere desiderabile la sostenibilità è la missione dei brand di moda cosiddetti “nativi sostenibili”, che con la loro comunicazione riescono a essere coinvolgenti, autorevoli e trasparenti allo stesso tempo. Proviamo a ragionare su 5 punti chiave delle loro strategie da cui tutti possono prendere spunto.

Dalla parola all’azione concreta: il caso di A2A (ITA)
Intervista a Carlotta Ventura
Chief Communications, Sustainability and Regional Affairs Officer, A2A
La potenza di un messaggio univoco per guidare il presente e il futuro di un’azienda.

AI doesn’t relieve us of the need to think (ENG)
by Scott Monty
Strategic Communications & Leadership Coach
There’s magic in the humanities too.

ESG ratings at a crossroads: an expert’s guide for companies (ENG)
Interview with Manjit Jus
Head of Sustainability and Lundquist Partner
In a conversation with sustainable finance executive Manjit Jus, we explore the challenges and future direction of ESG ratings, shedding light on their implications for companies and rating agencies alike.

Filiera, prodotto e territorio: il purpose senza statement di Granarolo (ITA)
Interview with Myriam Finocchiaro
Communication, External Relations and CSR Manager
Lo storico gruppo dell’agroalimentare italiano dimostra che un purpose che viene da lontano non ha bisogno di frasi ad effetto per essere chiaro.